2.5 Artists from Hamburg
The wide variety of directions in Netherlandish art are reflected extensively in Hamburg painting.1 The mannerist portrait style is represented by David Kindt (1580-1652).2 His self-portrait in Hamburg [1] can well be compared to the influential portrait type of Cornelis Ketel.3 Other paintings close to his style, like the portrait of Gertrud Moller of 1618 (Hamburger Kunsthalle) [2], follow the work of Goltzius.4 Kindt is particularly conservative. The models he utilizes in the second and third decades of the 17th century, are now well over thirty years old. When he has to restore an old painting in the Jacobi Church in 1622, he surrounds the representation with arabesques deriving from a Goltzius print of 1593! In 1643 he paints a landscape with the Entry into Jerusalem [3] which holds on to the Coninxloo-style of days long gone by. Even for Hamburg this is quite old-fashioned.5

David Kindt
Portrait of a man holding a watch, c. 1604
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. 457

Jacob Jacobs (active 1593-1618)
Portrait of Gertrud Moller, dated 1618
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. HK-227

David Kindt
Landscape with the Entrance of Christ into Jerusalem, dated 1643
Prague, Národní Galerie v Praze, inv./cat.nr. O 2557

Gabriel Engels
Courtyard with human figures
Copenhagen, SMK - National Gallery of Denmark, inv./cat.nr. KMSst589
Also the perspective feats of Hans Vredeman de Vries found its emulators. Gabriel Engels (1592-1654)6 delivered such ‘artfully painted perspectives’ for the court in Gottorf, which are now lost [4].7 On the other hand, a comparable painting in the catholic church in Hamburg did survive.8 Jochim Ellerbrock (active 1609-1653) must have painted similarly, if such pictures in Danish castles are attributed to him correctly.9
Otto Wagenfeldt (c. 1610-1671/82) is the first painter in Hamburg, whose work completely shows the influence of Rembrandt. Although he still uses prints by Goltzius for his compositions, Rembrandt’s impact is revealed in the new, warm range of colours [5] and also in the painterly approach of his studies of old men, which are mostly done after Rembrandt’s etchings. It cannot be ruled out that he was in the Netherlands in the 1630s, although there is no archival evidence of such a visit. There or in Hamburg he must have become acquainted with works by Rubens, because the adoption of his forms [6] are even more numerous than his motifs derived from Dutch art [7].10

Otto Wagenfeldt
The bird's-nest, probably c. 1650
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. 244

Otto Wagenfeldt
Natvity, c. 1650
Hamburg, St. Jacobi zu Hamburg

Otto Wagenfeldt
Death, c. 1649-165
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. 263
We skip the unknown Evert Decker († 1647), who is mentioned as Wouwerman’s teacher,11 a certain Johann Stumm (active 1647) [8], who is mentioned by Sandrart as a portrait painter,12 Heinrich Dittmers (c. 1625-1677) and Andreas Magerstadt (active 1639-1652), who both were mainly active in Denmark,13 to dwell for a moment on Jacob Weyer (1623-1670).14
It is said that Weyer studied the works of Philips Wouwerman, who was only one year his senior, in Holland. But his cavalry battle scenes (Brunswick, Dessau) [9],15 sometimes comprising the subject of the Conversion of Paul, actually belong to an earlier phase. Esaias van de Velde, Palamedes Palamedesz en Benjamin Cuyp [10] are his real models, which also affect the works of the young Wouwerman. When we name Benjamin Cuyp here, we immediately think of Rembrandt’s colouring and dramatic chiaroscuro. Undoubtedly something of the essence of the young Rembrandt shines through in Weyers’ works, ‘although distorted and intensified by the gothic urge of mannerist expression’ (in translation).16 Also the young Jacob Weyer painted ‘Dutch pictures’.17

Johann Stumm
A vanitas still-life with a skull, a candleholder and coins, 1640s
Paris, New York City, art dealer Haboldt & Co.

Jacob Weyer
Man to man fighting between horse-men and infantry soldiers
Whereabouts unknown

Benjamin Cuyp
Conversion of Paul on his way to Damascus
Matthias Scheits (c. 1625/30-c. 1700) on the other hand is not obsessed with this ‘urge’. He is more versatile and productive than Weyer and he uses his models more freely. He must have been in the Netherlands repeatedly, because he relates personally about Rembrandt, Frans Hals, Philip Wouwermans and Jacob Jordaens.18 The influence of the first two appears to be relatively modest, especially since ‘The bird's-nest’ and ‘Death’ (see above) have been given to the older Wagenfeldt.19 Admittedly his biblical scenes (Pommersfelden, Hamburg) [11-15] are still Rembrandtesque, but in a loose, fluffy way of an Aert de Gelder, to whom the Three men in the furnace in Pommerfelden was attributed once. The influence of Wouwerman does not particularly reveal itself in wild cavalry battles, but in the elegant and artful handling of the silk cloths in his genre paintings.
He had a particular interest in the late peasant paintings of Adriaen van Ostade and Dusart. In Raudnitz [Roudnice] castle are two peasant paintings, attributed to a ‘Matthias Scheuts’ [16]. If these are by the hand of our master, they show him as an imitator of an early Adriaen van Ostade (Anthonie Victorijns).20

Matthias Scheits
The conversion of the apostle Paul on his way to Damascus (Acts 9:1-9)
Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, inv./cat.nr. 569

Matthias Scheits
Rebekah offers Eliezer a drink from her pitcher (Genesis 24:17-18), 1670-1672
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. 246

Matthias Scheits
Christ and the woman of Samaria: sitting at Jacob's well he asks her for a drink from her jug (JohN 4:5-27), 1670-1679
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. 249

Matthias Scheits
David rebuked by Nathan (2 Samuel 12:7-13); David gives Uriah a letter for Joab (2 Samuel 11:14-17); David repentant (2 Samuel 12:16), dated 1672
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. 248

Matthias Scheits
King Nebuchadnezzar sees four men in the furnace; the king commands them to come forth (Daniel 3: 13-24)
Pommersfelden, Schloss Weissenstein der Grafen von Schönborn
Especially in his drawings he knows how to merge beautifully the natural observation with the technique and style of the indulgent Dutch. Scheits moves around freely and unbiased in the style of the old masters, without renouncing his natural disposition to capture daily life in a genre-like manner. He is clever enough is to seek advice from Anthony van Dyck about a distinguished portrait (Braunschweig)21 [19] and to look at Adriaen van de Velde and Hendrick Verschuring to draw horses [17-18]. His etchings certainly are no technical masterpieces. All his representations look somewhat provincial, by the way ̶ the faithful narrative will not hide the weaknesses and limited types. His son Andreas Scheits (1655-1735) distinguished himself mainly as a portrait painter. His sitters are painted in the smooth Rembrandt manner [20], which was maintained so skilfully by Balthasar Denner.22

Matthias Scheits
Peasants smoking in a barn
Roudnice (castle), private collection Roudnice Castle

Matthias Scheits
A farmer driving his horses in a stable, dated 1671
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. 29444

Matthias Scheits
Horses on the meadow, dated 1678
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. 29453

is/was called Matthias Scheits
Portrait of a woman with a lapdog, 1640-1649
Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, inv./cat.nr. 557

Andreas Scheits
Portrait of an old jew, dated 1709
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. 264

Joachim Luhn
Portrait of mathematician Hans Georg Hertel (1620-1697/99), dated 1672
Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, inv./cat.nr. 575

Joachim Luhn
Family portrait of Joachim Luhn (c. 1640-1717) with his wife, Hanna Margarthe Weyer and her parents, the painter Jacob Weyer (1623-1670) and Margarethe, c. 1673
Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, inv./cat.nr. 576
Hamburg was not short of portrait painters, so that it was not really strange the Dutch held themselves back here.23 Joachim Luhn (c. 1640-1717),24 who was probably a pupil of Adriaen Backer (c. 1633-1684) in Rome, did catch a little of the Rembrandt tradition on the way. His portrait of the architect Hans Georg Hertel of 1672 (Braunschweig) [21]25 is about at the level of a late Ferdinand Bol, while the smooth handling of paint in the family portrait (also Braunschweig) [22]26 equals an Abraham van den Tempel and Jürgen Ovens. In biblical compositions, which originated towards the end of the century, he sticks to the model of Elliger and Italian artists.27
Hans Hinrich Rundt (c. 1660-c. 1750), who was trained by Gerard de Lairesse (1641-1711), does not negate his teacher’s decorative style in his portraits [23].28 The craftsman-like Elias Galli I (1650-1712/14), who visited Amsterdam in 1717 as a decorative painter from Holstein 29 appears to connect more to the old Dutch painters [24]. A portrait in the Hamburger Kunsthalle (no. 362) is attributed to him [25].30 Furthermore there is a signed and dated 16(82) work representing the Meßberg square in Hamburg in the Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte [26].31 From a Hermann Kamphusen († 1698) some portraits are preserved in prints [27]. To judge from these, it does not seem unlikely that he came from the Netherlands.32

Hans Hinrich Rundt
Portrait of Rudolph Augustus, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (1627-1704), 1699
Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, inv./cat.nr. B 110

Elias Galli (I)
Portrait of an unknown man, c.1701
Hamburg, Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte, inv./cat.nr. 1987/87

Elias Galli (I)
Portrait of a Hamburg councilman (Hieronymus Sillem?), dated 1696
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. 362

Elias Galli (I)
Messberg square in Hamburg, dated 16[82]
Hamburg, Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte

after Hermann Kamphusen
Portrait of Eberhard Werner Happel (1647-1690)
Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg

Johann Georg Stuhr
Sailing ships for rocky coastline

Johann Georg Stuhr
Danish whaler near Spitsbergen
About landscape painting there is not much to say. Johann Oswald Harms (1643-1708) occasionally uses motifs from Albert Meyering, who made drawings in Hamburg.33 Johann Holst (active 1689-1728), who might be identical to I. von Holst who was mentioned in The Hague in 1701, paints more in the Flemish style of Boudewijns and Schoevaerts. Johann Georg Stuhr (c. 1640-1721) continues the tradition of Dutch marine painting in Hamburg, albeit with a tangible difference in quality [28-29].
The state of still-life painting in Hamburg is much better. A remarkable talent is Georg Hinz (1630/31-1688), who was active in Hamburg from 1665 until 1700.34 His paintings were attributed wrongly to Ottomar Elliger I and Barend van der Meer.35 It is likely that Elliger the Elder, who is documented in Hamburg at least from 1666, introduced him to the Dutch perception. The earliest paintings of Hinz show echoes of Dutch breakfast pieces like those of Pieter Claesz [30].36 Hinz was skilled in the illusionistic presentation of cabinets of curiosity (Hamburg, Berlin) [31-32].37 They are followed by still-lifes of luxuries in the style of Barend van der Meer and Willem Kalf.38 Also Hinrich Stravius († 1690) loved to make illusionistic paintings.39 His Hunting attributes (Hamburg) [33] hanging on a bright wall look as if they really hung there.40 This type of illusionistic still-lives dispersed from the Netherlands all over Europe. The Hamburg painters may have copied it from Cornelis Norbertus Gijsbrechts, who excelled in this genre and who did work here.41

Georg Hinz
Breakfast still life
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle

Georg Hinz
Cabinet of curiosities, dated 1666
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. 435

Georg Hinz
The Cabinet of Curiosities, 1664-1688
Potsdam, Schloss Caputh, inv./cat.nr. 70

Hinrich Stravius
Trompe l'oeil still-life with hunting attributs
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle

Ernst Stuven
Vase of flowers on a stone ledge
Munich, art dealer Xaver Scheidwimmer
A pupil of Georg Hinz was Ernst Stuven (c. 1657-1712). He met Johannes Voorhout in 1675 and went with him to Amsterdam, where he led an adventurous life before he moved to Rotterdam.42 His paintings [34] are not inferior to those of other followers of Rachel Ruysch, who was his model.43 His contemporaries Franz Werner von Tamm (1658-1724) and Christian Berentz (1658-1722) belonged to the Flemish-Italian followers of Mario Nuzzi (1603-1673). Only a few paintings by Berentz are preserved (Rome, Corsini [35]; Napels [36]; Hamburg). Two of them, the still-lifes dated 1680 and 1691 in Hamburg [37-38], are definitely treated in the Dutch way ̶ indeed more awkward than Barend van der Meer and Hinz, but in their manner all the same. Also Tamm’s work has two aspects: there are Dutch flower pieces à la Van Huijsum [39] and Flemish-Italian paintings in imitation of Jan Fijt, Adriaen van Utrecht and Abraham Brueghel [40]. Later on Tamm was called to Vienna, where the rulers of Liechtenstein acquired his paintings on different occasions.44

Christian Berentz
Hang watch
Rome, private collection Corsini (Rome), inv./cat.nr. 64

Christian Berentz
Still life of flowers and fruit with a woman picking grapes, dated 1696
Naples, Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, inv./cat.nr. 84521

Christian Berentz
Still life, dated 1680
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. 352

Christian Berentz
Still life with fruits, in or c. 1691
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle

Franz Werner von Tamm
Flower piece, dated 172[3?]
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. 471

Franz Werner von Tamm
Fruit still life of melons and figs, c. 1690 or c. 1692
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle, inv./cat.nr. 476
1 [Gerson 1942/1983] In a master regulation of 1660 it is expressed: ‘Nobody will become a master, who […] has not travelled at least two years, and who has learned abroad (in translation)’ (Röver 1926, p. 88, with a list of painters in Hamburg who had a dispute with the painters’ guild between 1667 and 1682).
2 [Van Leeuwen 2017] Schmidt 1919; Schmidt 1928. An article on David Kindt by Barbara Uppenkamp will be included in Master of Mobility (to be published by the RKD in 2018).
3 [Van Leeuwen 2017] According to Sitt/Schneede/Gassner 2007- (vol. 1, p. 211-212, no. 457, ill.) not a self-portrait, in previous literature considered as a self-portrait.
4 [Van Leeuwen 2017] Lichtwark attributed the painting in 1898 tentatively to David Kindt (Lichtwark 1898, vol.1, p. 96). This was refuted already by Schmidt who read the age of the sitter as 54 instead of 34, changing the date of origin to 1638 (Schmidt 1919, p. 29-30). The latter was refuted by Pauli (Pauli 1930, p. 98-99, no. 227, as Hamburger master of 1618). Gerson’s comparison to Goltzius escapes me.
5 [Gerson 1942/1983] Röver 1926, p. 10. Schmidt 1919; 9, Schmidt 1928. From the same year 1643 a Lucretia after an early Netherlandish painting (auction London, 23 February 1923, no. 151 as Flemish school, no image).
6 [Van Leeuwen 2017] Fusenig 2012.
7 [Gerson 1942/1983] Schmidt 1916, p. 299. [Van Leeuwen 2017] Actually, the series was transferred to Denmark and survived (Fusenig 2012, p. 292-296, see also note 98).
8 [Gerson 1942/1983] This painting was lost in fire in 1943 (Fusenig 2012, p. 690 and note 16).
9 [Gerson 1942/1983] I saw such pictures in 1938 in Frederiksborg castle. Röver 1926, p. 53, 97-98. [Van Leeuwen 2017] Indeed these paintings, now in the Statens Museum of Art, are by the hand of Gabriel Engels (Fusenig 2012, p. 692 ff.). For all paintings by Engels now in the Statens Museum, see RKDimages or the website of the SMK.
10 [Gerson 1942/1983] Röver 1926, p. 13-47. ‘Death’ (Hamburg, no. 263), listed there as M. Scheits, is after Rembrandt’s etching of 1639.
11 [Van Leeuwen 2017] Decker employed Wouwerman in 1638-1639 (Van Thiel-Stroman 2006, p. 99-363, esp. p. 357 and 359.) See also § 2.4.
12 [Gerson 1942/1983] Sandrart/Peltzer 1675/1925, p. 349. [Van Leeuwen 2017] A fully signed work was with Haboldt & Co. in 2005 and 2015. Sander 2008, p. 164-165, no. 45, ill.
13 [Van Leeuwen 2017] Gerson/Van Leeuwen/Roding 2015, § 3.8 and 3.9.
14 [Van Leeuwen 2017] Trümper 2011 and Trümper 2012.
15 [Van Leeuwen 2012] The painting in Brunswick where Gerson refers to is now atrributed to Matthias Scheits (Trümper 2012, p. 95, no. GD 2). Several examples of battle scenes are included in RKDimages.
16 [Gerson 1942/1983] Cited from Benesch: ‘wenngleich verzerrt und gesteigert im gotischen Ausdrucksdrang des deutschen Manierismus’ (Benesch 1924, p. 158). (fig. 29) [fig. 64 in Gerson 1983].
17 [Gerson 1942/1983] Fig. 29 (1942); fig. 64 (1983).
18 [Gerson 1942/1983] Lichtwark 1899. [Van Leeuwen 2017] Jaacks 1987; Haak 2001, p. 253-268.
19 [Gerson 1942/1983] Röver 1926, p. 100.
20 [Gerson 1942/1983] Dvořák/Matejka 1910, p. 154, fig. 99.
21 [Van Leeuwen 2017] The attribution to Scheits seems a bit problematic, when we take into account, that he was learning in Haarlem in the 1640s, while the portrait itself refers to Flemish prototypes of e.g. Anthony van Dyck and Jacob Jordaens, datable to the 1630s. To date the portrait to Scheits's second stay in Holland in the 1670s is improbable, as the fashion is incompatible to that date. In Braunschweig the painting is attributed to M. Scheits since the inventory of 1776 of Salzdahlum (communication Jan Kosten, October 2016).
22 [Gerson 1942/1983] Andreas Scheits became court painter in Hannover in 1696/7.
23 [Gerson 1942/1983] Lichtwark 1898, vol. 1.
24 [Gerson 1942/1983] Röver 1926, p. 49-83.
25 [Van Leeuwen 2017] Jacoby/Michels 1989, p. 169-170, no. 575, ill.; Haak 2001, p. 256, no. HH5, ill.
26 [Gerson 1942/1983] Gerson 1942, fig. 42, Gerson 1983, fig. 65. [Van Leeuwen 2017] Jacoby/Michels 1989, p. 170-171, no. 576, ill.; Haak 2001, p. 279-280, no. SB 8, fig. 105.
27 [Gerson 1942/1983] Röver 1926, p. 75-76.
28 [Van Leeuwen 2017] On Rundt: Salesh 2003.
29 [Van Leeuwen 2017] In Gerson’s time it was unknown that Elias Galli had a son, Elias Galli II (born 1676). He was the decorative painter who visited Amsterdam, not his father (Saur 1992-, vol. 48 [2006], p. 71).
30 [Van Leeuwen 2017] Sitt/Schneede/Gassner 2007- , p. 168-169, no. 362, ill. The portrait is fully signed and dated.
31 [Gerson 1942/1983] Biermann 1914, fig. 218. [Van Leeuwen 2017] A fully signed and 1677 dated still-life by Galli in Leipzig was wrongly given to Pieter Gallis by Hofstede de Groot (RKDimages 60729).
32 [Van Leeuwen 2017] As is maintained in Thieme/Becker 1907-1957, vol. 19 (1926), p. 508.
33 [Gerson 1942/1983] In the Print Room of the Rijksmuseum is a sheet from Meyering with an inscription ‘Aan de Seteynweg buyten Hamborg’ (At the Stone road [or Side-way?] outside Hamburg) [RKDimages 279617]. On Harms, see also § 4.2. After a long trip he returned in 1696 to his hometown.
34 [Gerson 1942/1983] Peltzer 1934, p. XI. [Van Leeuwen 2017] He must have died before December 1, 1688 as on that date his widow Anna is mentioned to have paid 6 Mark 'Glockengeld', see the books of the St. Catherine's Church, Staatsarchiv Hamburg (Bastian 1984, p. 45).
35 [Van Leeuwen 2017] Gauffin 1921. For example RKDimages 60649 and 70194.
36 [Gerson 1942/1983] Fig. 27 (1942), fig. 66 (1983).
37 [Van Leeuwen 2017] On this speciality of Hinz: Heinrich/Braun 1996.
38 [Gerson 1942/1983] Hinz also painted Dutch perceived portraits (collection Berthold, Munich; National Museum, Warsaw). Schröder 1938, p. 145.
39 [Van Leeuwen 2017] Obviously Stravius studied Hondecoeter for the realistic rendering of dead birds. The Nationalmuseum in Stockholm preserves a hunting still-life by Stravius after a work of Melchior d’Hondecoeter, now in Schwerin (Sitt/Schneede/Gassner 2007-, p. 313, note 2).
40 [Gerson 1942/1983] Fig. 28 (1942); fig. 67 (1983).
41 [Van Leeuwen 2017] Gijsbrechts was in 1665-1668 in Hamburg. It is generally assumed that also Georg Hinz was influenced by Gijsbrechts (Saur 1992-, vol. 73 [2013], p. 298). However, Hinz’s Collector’s cabinet in the British Royal Collection (RKDimages 279621) is dated 1664, as is discovered recently (communication Ellinoor Bergvelt, 2016). In 1664 Gijsbrechts was documented in Regensburg. The influence of both masters must have been mutual.
42 [Van Leeuwen 2017] According to Houbraken he was imprisoned in Amsterdam for abuse and violent behaviour (Houbraken 1718-1721, vol. 3, p. 371-378).
43 [Van Leeuwen 2017] At TEFAF in March 2012 Scheidwimmer Gallery exhibited this flower still-life by Stuven that had a fake Rachel Ruysch signature until 1991, that obviously had been painted over the original one. More paintings by Stuven were previously attributed to Ruysch (f.e. RKDimages 7129).
44 [Van Leeuwen 1991] On Tamm: Hatscheck 1991.